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Woman Running

Common Queries

Comprehensive Answers

What types of home fitness equipment do you recommend?

Foam Roller is a great addition to your home routine.  It may improve neuromuscular activation and help lengthen the muscle tissue.  This helps to improve flexibility and mobility. Bands and dumbbells' are also great starting points for your home equipment use.  They provide portable and easily stored options for in-home resistance training.

How are you different from a regular gym trainer?

Available online, I'm optimistic, empathetic, and knowledgeable with a clinical background in medical care my approach is with your health and safety as my priority.  I like to use positive encouragement, prioritize patience then results, and use positive affirmations to support realistic goals and constantly adjust the program to each clients needs.

Do you charge extra for nutritional guidance and a diet plan?

General nutritional guidance, accountability, and information is included during the session and supported through app/text/email. Nutrition is a science and research is constantly growing. Only registered and licensed dietitians and nutritionists are authorized to provide specific meal plans.

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